Brand Story
The green transition is here: we must build a 100% renewable energy system while minimising our ecological footprint. Recent wars and conflicts emphasize the urgency of cutting off financial support and dependence on dangerous suppliers of key minerals or fossil fuels.
The energy sector faces three challenges: high energy prices, environmental impact, and ensuring the security of the supply will not be abruptly cut off.
Zero Terrain is the solution to the urgent need for a 100% renewable energy system. We provide affordable and renewable energy with minimal environmental impact, ensuring security against supply disruptions and crises.
Zero Terrain is based on the same idea as traditional pumped hydro storage solutions, but with a critical distinction: it creates the necessary height variance and storage underground, eliminating the need for altitude differences on the terrain. This solution has a minimal above-ground footprint compared to its massive underground volume. This is also the origin of the name Zero Terrain: ‘zero on terrain.’ And at the same time, our solution requires ‘zero terrain.’ No mountains, just an entirely flat surface.
Zero Terrain stores only renewable energy, unlocking its potential in locations where the reliability of water, wind, and solar-based energy has previously been obstructed. It is a complete overhaul of the energy system with minimal disruption to everyday life. We provide 100% renewable, affordable, secure energy, and income for generations without compromising the environment or politics.

Elevator Pitch
Renewable energy is a necessity, not a choice. To have everyone onboard for the essential shift to a green transition, we aim for the ‘holy trinity’: affordable, clean, and secure energy. Zero Terrain offers just that: one solution to cover all energy needs — affordable and secure renewable energy with a minimal environmental footprint.

Key Brand Values
Our key brand values are the principles that guide our actions and our unique way of doing things.
We deliver new technologies and solutions that enable the green transition and provide affordable, clean and secure energy.
We build an energy system that is flexible, and resilient to disruptions in the supply chain posed by wars, geopolitics or crises.
We ensure that our energy solutions align with environmental and social responsibility, storing only renewable energy and cutting off dependence on unethical production practices and fossil fuels.

Brand Attributes
Our brand attributes are the human traits that set us apart from the competition. They are a checklist to guide our communications and design choices.
We untangle the complexities of our sector and provide clear and understandable messaging.
We show respect and consideration for local communities and the public.
We present the future we are building: a functional living environment with eco-diversity and secure affordable energy for everyone.
We are daring. We are confident and direct and avoid pompous words and clichés.

Core Messages
Examples of brand core messages
We provide sustainable investments by delivering long-term renewable energy solutions and financial security for generations to come.
We deliver affordable energy solutions with a minimal environmental footprint while creating stable job opportunities.
We help you fulfil your promises to your customers by providing an ethical trinity of energy that is renewable, reliable and affordable.
We embody pride: fueling innovation and transforming the energy system with no environmental or political compromise.